Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
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Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
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Tue, 1-Aug-2000
Well, it's finally time to be off. The last few weeks just absolutely flew
by, getting last minute stuff nearly done and whatnot. Packing got finished
on the morning, with computers being shifted into the house for security.
Finally time to drive down to the airport, mum and dad both saw me off at the
airport, which was nice. Check in proceeded quickly, then time for a cuppa
and something to munch while waiting to board. Soon it's time to go through
customs and board. As it turns out I've left it a little too late, there's a
bit of a line up, and passengers are being called while I'm still in customs.
No problem however, soon I'm through, grab some Canadian money (after my
last adventures there was _no_ way that I would go to another country
without some local currency in my pocket), and run to the boarding gate.
Not quite the last on board, but still late, I find my seat, and soon we're
taxiing down to the runway (of course it's the furthest one away, we were
already wondering if the pilot was planning to drive all the way to Canada!)
but then we do finally get to the runway and take off.
Sitting next to me is a guy from Ontario, Stephan, and we chat a bit, which
unfortunately prevented me from sleeping. Later on I was trying to stay awake
during the Canadian day to minimise jetlag.
The flight was quite nice although long, Honolulu airport where we stopped for
an hour (as it turned out, closer to 2 hours!) was not much to write home
about though - we were all just shepherded into one room with seats to await
our boarding again. In Vancouver we actually had to go through customs, and
had to collect all of our luggage. Back in Brisbane I had been told I would
get to collect my luggage at Toronto, but since Vancouver was the first port
of call in Canada, we had to get luggage there after all. So, customs, luggage,
find the other boarding gate, all in under an hour. Needless to say, esecially
with 4 other planeloads of people trying to get through customs at the same
time, the flight to Toronto got delayed by quite a bit.
Finally on the last leg of the journey, it's off to Toronto. I'm getting quite
tired at this stage, having hardly slept so far. I did doze on and off, but
stopped myself from sleeping because it was still daylight. Slowly the
day faded to night, stars came out, and I recognise Scorpio, standing on it's
tail in the twilight. Another hour or so before we make our final descent to
Toronto. Another landing, another baggage claim, and it's out the exit. Now
to find Candace.....
After a brief adventure involving running across the road to find a working
internet terminal (which I didn't), I did end up finding Candace,
(I'm still getting used to calling Van Candace... RL names are soooo
confusing!!) and we
headed back to her place where I had a nice hot shower, and started feeling
human again. A bit of a chat later, and it's time to head to bed *yawn*
Lights out, see you in the morning.
Wed, 2-Aug-2000
Slept reasonably well, which I was expecting considering my lack of sleep over
the past 24 hours or so. Candace woke me up around 8:30 or so because she had
to go to work, and I wanted to come with her so that I could jump online and
let people know that I had gotten here in 1 piece. So, quick shower, munch
some cereal for breakfast, and a little later we're off.
I got shoved into a little office with a nice PC (17" monitor and all, this
is luxury!) and Candace ran off to start her day. A few quick emails later,
and the important part of the day is done. Now I've got time to start up
this diary thingy of mine and, of course, getting onto Aurora... *grin*
Candace collected me to check up on her doggies, she works at the
University of Toronto doing animal
research, and looks after a dozen or so beagles. Cute.
Well, I'm just about finished here, so I'm about to head downstairs to grab
myself a nice hot cuppa, and then have a poke around the university. Later
on when Candace is finished with work she's going to start showing me
around Toronto. Should be good!
Didn't end up looking around Toronto much - after Candace had finished working
we picked up a friend of hers and went to Mr Greek (a Greek restaurant) for
lunch, which was quite neat. Then we dropped Pria (I think that was her name)
back home again, and headed back to Candace's place, where we chatted, listened
to Monty Python tapes, and I .. uh.. ahem (cough) fell asleep on the couch...
After my nap we had a bit of a bbq, really good steaks they were too!, rushed
inside when it started raining, and then went and watched 'The Patriot'. Great
movie, I really recommend it if you haven't seen it already. Then we went
walking Candace's dog, Van, at 1 in the morning, after which I crashed.
Jetlag is not a nice thing.
Thu, 3-Aug-2000
*yawn* Is it morning already??
Since Candace doesn't have internet at home, I was obliged to come in to Uni
with her again this morning, which meant getting up at 8am. Ridiculous, but
that's the price you pay for being an internet addict like me...
So here I am until Candace is finished with work, and get to play with a
nice very fast internet connection in the meantime, yayy! Plans for this
afternoon include going down to the lakeside of Lake Ontario after lunch, and
the already-mentioned cruise tonight. Sounds good, but until it happens I
can't write about it.
Candace parked me in an office with computers and popped off to get some
work done with her rats. After a while Sarna (Connie) got online, which
I was hoping for since I hadn't managed to get her on her phone yet. We
chatted a bit and agreed to meet up the next day. In the meantime Candace
had come back up, and finally got sick of us trying to work things out via
ICQ, so rang her up and settled everything via the phone. Impatient! *grin*
But it did get things sorted out which was good.
Candace and I then went back to her place to eat some lunch and then headed
out to pick up her sister Bonnie with baby Nolan. Unfortunately Bonnie's
husbands rollerblades didn't fit me - the original plan was for us to go
rollerblading today, but oh well. From where we headed down to The
Beaches - a section of beach on Lake Ontario. It was just the most
beautiful day out, if slightly chilly due to the wind. We stopped in a
Cafe where I ordered a muggaccino and confused all the waitresses - they
had never heard of a cappuccino in a mug before.. From there we walked
through a park to the actual waterfront where I skipped some rocks on the
water, learned that even though the water looked perfectly clear that I did
not want to go swimming there unless I wanted to come out half-dissolved,
and then we stopped at a little playground where Nolan could have a run.
We sat down for ice-creams, and then slowly headed back to the car. Back at
Bonnie's place Nolan crashed on a blanket, I crashed on the hardwood floor,
and the girls took to chatting.
After that Candace and I headed home to get ready for a cruise which her
friend Pria had managed to organise for us. After worrying about being
late and getting stuck in traffic and slightly lost, we got to the boat
with plenty of time and stood around slowly freezing while people arrived.
We got introduced to hundreds of Pria's uncles and nephews and whatnot..
Finally we boarded the boat, the River Gambler, a paddle-wheeler look-alike.
The boat cruised out past Toronto Island in the dusk, and then slowed down
to lay out on the Lake with a great view of the Toronto Waterfront, CN
Tower, and the Skydome. Dinner was served in shifts, ours being last, and
while it wasn't spectacular was still very nice. The main event of the
cruise was the dancing which was on the upper deck to deafening Reggae.
Even I had a go, and we all had a great time - Pria even won some sort of
prize in a dance competition.
By the time the boat got back to harbour, Pria was freezing, so we ran into
the car, where she turned the heater on full blast. A stop at a burger
place was all that separated us from home, and bed. All up a very nice
Fri, 4-Aug-2000
Woke up at 10:30, due to Van's incessant barking. Got up, and discovered
Connie (Sarna) had been knocking on the front door for ages. Would you
believe, like, oops?
Anyways, a quick shower later, some indecisive decision making later, and
we were headed for the CN Tower via bus
and subway. I was very impressed
by the public transport system here in Toronto, for $2 you can get from
anywhere to anywhere, switching buses and subways as necessary.
Hopping off the subway at last at ?? station we started walking towards the
Tower, and stopped at a pub for lunch. Was quite nice and reasonably
priced, but we skipped dessert, nothing tickled our fancy.
Onwards towards the Tower we marched, and eventually got there. Far too
much walking for lazy people like us! The ticket queue wasn't too bad, but
their credit card system broke down while I was trying to pay - so the good
old manual swiper thingy came out. Funnily enough every queue was full
except the one behind us... good start *grin*
We had bought the entire package which included some rides and stuff as well
as just going up on the Tower. The 'rides' were first (unfortunately), and
consisted of motion-videos, ie, you sat in a capsule sorta thingy which
moved with the film to give the impression you were really there. There
were 4 all up, but Connie only got on 2 of them - even I was feeling a
little queasy after the second one, which was pretty full-on. It wasn't even
the motion, but the films that were a bit nauseating in the way the camera
swoops around. Anyways...
Finally it's time to go up the Tower, and line up yet again for the
elevators. The first section of the Tower is about 114 stories high, and
contains a viewing platform with glass floor, a Cafe, and a restaurant.
The elevator itself has a glass front, which is pretty cool, and goes up at
about 22km/h, so pretty fast. We had a bit of a look around Toronto, dared
the glass floor - even Connie tried it! - and then sat down in the Cafe for
waffles with ice-cream and strawberries, yum-o!
Then we decided to go up to the 'Skypod', which is the highest lookout
platform on a freestanding man-made structure in the world at 447m or
147 stories high. From here we spent a good half hour or more looking out
over Toronto and me taking heaps of pictures. Some of the buildings and
stuff in Toronto are pretty weird, hopefully the pics have turned out.
Finally we decide to head down and out again. I buy a few souvenir thingies,
and take another couple of pics of the CN Tower from the base, and then it's
time to meet Candance and her friends at a pool hall.
On the way, a guy tried to convince us to take a Rickshaw, and we very
nearly caved in under his salesmanship, but I had spent enough money for
one day so we walked. It wasn't all that far, and we even managed to find
it eventually.
Pool was fun, Candace taught us to play 'Cutthroat' which is a 3-player game
you can play on a pool table. Only one problem: I was playing with 2 girls,
for some strange reason they ganged up on poor lil' ol' me. *boohoosniff*
But I made a come-back in the final game and won a game!! Woohoo!!
After that Connie wanted to go home, because she had to get up early the
next morning again, and Candace and her friends wanted to go dancing. I was
pretty tired by then, and decided to walk Connie to the subway, and then go
home myself. I ended up taking Connie all the way home, and then catching
buses back, which took me quite a while, so I had only time to take Van
for a walk and start scribbling on paper to get my diary down when Candace
came home. We stayed up chatting for quite a while longer, and then crashed.
Sat, 5-Aug-2000
Got up at 12:00 or so, wow, late sleep-in, but that's ok because we stayed
up until 4am, silly people.
Shower, breakfast, and now we're about to head to the Downtown campus, and
then Caribana. Should be fun, especially since apparently it's quite warm
today - 31C out!
We headed out to the Downtown campus of the University of Toronto and had a
bit of a poke around after checking email in the library. The campus is
absolutely great, with most buildings well over 100 years old, and looking
it. Not as in decrepit, but as in architecture and stuff. The grounds were
also kept very nice with shrubberies and flowerbeds.
From there we caught a subway further in to town, and then a connecting bus
to the Caribana parade site. The parade itself was pretty cool, especially
the steel-drum bands and costumes. Hopefully some of the pictures I took
have turned out. We actually became part of the parade after we squeezed
through the fence, and got some great close-up views of things. It was
loads of fun, even while getting squished by the crowds!
We stayed until the last float, and then made our way home again. Candace
and I were invited around to her sister Bonnie's place afterwards for
movies, but I wasn't really feeling up to it. So I stayed home watching
Alien (which I hadn't seen before, shock horror gasp) on TV, and then made
it an early night while Candace went out visiting.
Sun, 6-Aug-2000
Woke up earlyish (8:30), and so far, having a very lazy day, lounging in
front of the TV and chatting. Candace's mum popped over to say hi and
to talk to the tenants downstairs, and Candace made us a great breakfast
of omelettes with toast.
Doesn't look as if we'll be doing much today - it's overcast and I'm ready
for a day off! Curling up with my book (Eye of the World, Robert Jordan)
and watching TV sounds perfect :)
Well, looks like we changed our minds after all. Candace and I went
downtown today to have a poke around the Eaton's Centre, the largest mall
in Ontario, and possibly Canada, spanning 3 blocks.
Running alongside the mall is Yonge Street, the worlds longest street making
up part of
Ontario Highway #11, running
from Hudson's Bay to the border of Canada and the USA. All the young hoons
hang out there with their hot cars, trying to pick up chicks, and playing
their car stereos to the point where passers-by need earmuffs.
I sent off some mail, and bought some postcards, then we sat in a cafe to
recuperate a little before heading home again.
On the way home we picked up a video, Scream 3, and after a very nice dinner
we crashed on the couch to watch it.